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I was in a meeting last week with a very interesting man, he was funny, well spoken, witty and well a total nerd.  It was only after I returned home I realized I always have been attracted to nerds. This particular man was also a vegan and it was then I realized....hmmm he is right it would not work out, him being a vegan and me well I like meat.  It would be like putting T Rex in the room with a Brontosaurus and say play nice, eventually things would get out of hand and while T Rex may be able to forgo meat for awhile ( I went without meat for 30 days, just to try it) but eventually the craving would be over powering.


I thought about me liking nerds though.... and I always thought in some way I was a nerd  until one of my friends in High School many...many years later informed me with a laugh....hahaha...Nancy you so were not a nerd in were far too pretty to be considered a nerd.  Wait can a person be too pretty to be a that not some form of discrimination...He said well that may be but you also were an athlete so that also kicks you out of the nerd club.  I was indeed an athlete in HS...(runner, still am) so I was on the track team, but I also played badminton so is that not a kind of a nerdy sport... and I did not even know I was pretty in HS...and I did have good grades (89 average) so I should have been considered a nerd.  My friend said yes you were smart, but because you were pretty and an athlete kind of negates it.   I laughed and said what was I....he said you were the girl nerds wished they had the nerve to ask out.  That I laughed at because I actually liked the nerdy type....let me tell you a story.


It was 1984 I was 16 and I was taking Computer Ed...for you younger kids, this was before computers were so intuitive and you had to learn DOS based programs in order for the computer to do commands we take for granted now.  This was the one course that was bringing down my average because I may have been doing well in history..literature...political science and even Ed...yeah not so much.  There was this very cute nerd in the class...of course glasses and yup he was super smart.  If it weren't for him I never would have made it through that class.  He helped me a lot in that class...gave up his lunch hours to help me.  I actually really liked him and had zero idea that he wanted to ask me to the junior prom.  It was not until at the dance that another friend told me this...I said wtf why didn't he ask me...we spent a lot of time together...I had no idea.  I would have gone with him....oh well.  I never dated in HS at all...not one guy asked me out and my friend many years later said intimidated many were this and confident even at like 14 that none of us thought you would have gone out with any guy.


Same thing happened in University, never dated in University either...I had a huge crush on a guy...yup total nerd..tall thin, glasses..but super cute....(at least I thought so), his name was Derek....we ended up being friends and nothing more.  I did ask him why after 2 years of being friends why he never asked me out.  His answer....I respected you far too much to want to date you...because when it ended I would lose this great friend....jeez thanks....story of my life.  


I also met my good friend William on a date a few years back...however in this scenario it was mutual...after a couple dates we both realized we would be better off as friends and have been so ever since...and he is a great friend.  He cooks me dinner on occasion and always pairs it with a fabulous red wine.  I value his friendship very much and lets face it...friendships can last far longer than relationships.


So back to the latest nerd who I found attractive,  it wasn't about his looks, but I sensed this old soul (I hope you understand what I mean by that),  that was what I found attractive about him...his humour and wit were part of the attraction, but alas there is always something isn't there.  I do understand however....I would never date a smoker so for him he may see me in that way.  Like the T Rex and the Brontosaurus they both need to share a watering hole but it doesn't mean it would always be smooth, all depends if the T Rex has just eaten.


What do I want to say to all the nerds out there, don't be afraid to ask out the pretty girl who is smart and a good athlete, she may just like nerds and you missed a chance to get to know her.






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