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I was grocery shopping a few days ago and took a look around and realized I was alone in the fresh fruit and vegetable area in my local grocery store.  Yup all the processed food shelves were running low but lots of fruits, and vegetables. Got me thinking, I decided to look into why are the death rates so high in the US due to the virus.  Yes people it is still a virus...not a pleasant one but it is still a virus.

We all know where this started and how it spread and where some of the highest death rates are but what you may not know is this is killing Men at a much higher rate then women and a very high percentage of those men are obese.

I have been an active person all my life, my LinkedIn photo is a few months old, I work out nearly every single day for an hour, yes it is that important to me.

I have heard many times too many times from people I have no time to work response is always the same, then you will have time to die, because being just 30 to 40 pounds over weight puts you at a risk for so many health issues....including breathing issues.

Now exercise without healthy eating is only part of the equation....someone said once,  Hey you cant out run your mouth….I loved that saying because it is so true.  I also will eat chips and the odd cookie, but I just saw that Tim Hortons has released a cereal....Timbits cereal,  like are you kidding me....People stop the insanity and stop eating this crap.  Let me tell you about an experiment I did to show my child how much sugar is in the average soda.

I took a glass and kept shoveling sugar into it, she was shocked at how much sugar was in the average soda.  That makes her now think twice about drinking any soda.  I also said do you want to know why you are always thirsty after drinking a soda....because of that sugar...Drink water.  I start my day...every day with a large mug of hot water and fresh actual lemon....take knife and cut lemon slices.  This is a great way to start your get a burst of vitamin C and hydration.

Back to the death rates and how important exercise is.  When you exercise and get your heart rate up for 30 mins a day you boost your antibodies up to 300 percent....and this is not a made up stat people, this is a fact.  This is why I work out, yes we all want to look good, but I like how it makes me feel because of the endorphins.  I get up at 5 am, and that is when I work out, I make it a priority in my life because my health is important to me and should be for everyone.  

I said to my daughter once,  Olivia the most important thing in my life is my Health, Not Work, and Not even You ( and I love you more than anything)….You know what she said.  So Mom your exercise is even more important than me.....Yes because if I get sick and I cant take care of you I would be devastated, that is why...I owe it to you to stay healthy.   We all owe it to our children to stay Healthy.

In Italy and now in the US the death rates due to covid are devastating.  Lets take the older people with underlying conditions out of the equation.

The percentage of the deaths are Men that are over 50 and are obese.  If this is not a wake up call to everyone out there to owe it not just to your family but to yourself to get active NOW....and stay active. 

I dislike that we have glamourized obesity with the new title Full Figure models like Tess Holliday,  The woman is my height but where I weigh 138 pounds she tops the scales at more than 250 pounds. I know there are those that may tear me apart but this is a problem people,  its an epidemic.

In the US half of the population over 50 is obese, this is why people are dying from Covid as well as stretching the healthcare resources. 

How do we fix it,  sorry I am not sure we even can now....sad as that is... there will always be people who will say I have no time to work out or continue to eat garbage and wonder why they are unhealthy.  Jamie Oliver shows everyone how to cook healthy fast meals...take a look.

Will we learn from this, I do not know, I doubt it because obesity rates keep rising,  take this as a wake up call and change...stop buying processed foods...that is one way you and all of us can make a difference.


Get moving today...30 mins...break a sweat.  Its your life
















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