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Number 10 on Nancy’s top 10 worst dates…Puppy Love

Now I know what you are thinking, you are probably thinking that I am going to talk about a date when I was young and fell in love with the cute boy in my class, nope this is about a guy who was in Love with his dog.
We were to meet at a local Starbucks for coffee mid morning on a Saturday, it was a beautiful fall day and I ran my 10 k outside that day.  I remember thinking what perfect weather for a run outside.  There was very little wind (which as we know can be unusual for Calgary).  I like those early morning fall runs where it is a little crisp in the morning but with the sun shining it warms up, I also love the way that flat light hits the newly turned yellow leaves.
I finished my run, showered and arrived (as always) a few minutes early.  I have dated enough to know it is always best to arrive early, why you ask.  I want to choose where to sit so if needed to make a quick exit.  Sorry but I have been on my fair share of bad dates. 
So here I was sitting and looking out the window when I see him arrive and I immediately groan inwardly.  They say you should never judge a book by its cover but I also believe you should put your best foot forward when it comes to a first date.  It was just casual, as in just coffee, but I showered and was wearing a nice pair of jeans and a black cashmere sweater with ankle boots.
He looked like he literally crawled out of bed forgetting to brush his hair or teeth, a shirt that no doubt he slept in, cargo shorts ( I hate cargo shorts) and flip flops.  I am not even remotely exaggerating by this description.  I look at my watch and all I can think, well he is on time ( a pet peeve of mine if one is late).  Its laughable that a woman's expectations are such that we are impressed if a man actually shows up on time.
He walks in and spots me, but puts up his hand to gesture that he will be a minute while he talks to the young lady behind the counter and then proceeds to leave.  I am sitting there thinking wtf.  He goes out to his truck and brings in a puppy (cocker spaniel).  Apparently Starbucks is slack by letting this man bring in his dog where food is being served.  No matter.  We get our lattes and sit.
In the few minutes we sit there he not once asks me anything about myself but goes on about his new puppy and is talking to it in baby talk.  I am now looking for hidden cameras, like seriously who brings their dog on a first date.  I know what some of you are thinking, maybe he wanted to impress me.  Want to know how to impress me?  Leave the dog at home, shower, comb your hair and put on some clean clothes, that would do more to impress me then this.
After 15 mins I have had enough of this man practically making out with his dog (yup he kissed his dog on the mouth in front of me and all I could think was gross).  I made up an excuse and said I had to be somewhere other than here.
He walked me out and asked for my number, it was here that I laughed and said seriously.  He said yeah, this was fun.  I said hmmm, yeah I am sure you and the dog will be very happy together and here is a tip, next time you meet a lady for coffee, leave the dog at home unless you are going for a walk in the park, and maybe, just maybe shower beforehand.
Yes, all that is true, and men think I am being harsh but in this case I do not think so.  As women our standards have been lowered by what is out there.  I do not think asking someone to shower and maybe put on some clean clothes before a first date is over reaching….Tell me your thoughts.

Until tomorrow…Number 9 on the list of the Top 10 worst dates ever

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